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Red Apron Ladies - Beautification Projects

Debbie Tebrich organized a large-scale refurbishing of the containers on Second St. Eight am was the kickoff time as members in red aprons moved down, block by block, from Union Bank to Naples Plaza. Succulents were removed from containers, potting soil was added, plants were re-positioned and new plants were potted. Many of the plants were from the succulent nursery Debbie nurtures at her canal home. Tree wells were also cleared, sidewalks swept and all containers watered thoroughly. New member Charlotte Morrison was welcomed to the group who now will maintain containers on their own.

A hearty NIGC turnout also powered a vigorous clean-up at La Bella Fontana Park a few days before Veterans Day. Mike Frakes of Tri-City Tree had his crew trim the hedges as his annual gift to Veterans Day. Bellas not only performed their usual weeding and raking tasks but cleaned and sprayed all the metal grates and boxes with fresh green paint. NOTE a few California Pepper trees will be replaced by Moon Valley in January.

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NIGC P.O. Box 14688 Long Beach, CA 90803


Esther Watkins, Webmaster

Linda Frame, President


Maureen Schultz, Membership Chair


© 2018 by Naples Islands Garden Club 

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