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"Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help.  Gardening is an instrument of Grace"
May Sarton, 1912-1995

Harmony in the Garden

Classes of Membership

 Active Members:


a.  shall have their principal legal residence on Naples Islands

b.  shall attend no fewer than 3 complete Regular meetings of the club                      including attendance at the full business portion of the meeting.

c.  shall pay annual membership dues within 30 days of the due date.

d.  shall participate actively in a Club project or committee during each year of 



Sustaining Members:


Members who reside on Naples Islands and have been Active Members for at least five years may choose to change to “Sustaining” status. A Sustaining Member shall not be entitled to vote, hold a Board position or sponsor new members. Sustaining members shall continue to pay annual dues. They may return to active status, upon Board approval and providing they are in good standing, and will be given priority over prospective new members.

Naples Island Fountain

Associate Members:


Prior Active or Sustaining Members who are no longer residents of Naples Islands may become Associate Members. They shall pay annual dues but shall not be required to meet the annual membership requirements. As with Sustaining Members, they shall not be entitled to vote, hold a Board position or sponsor new members.

Prospective Members

Prospective Members must meet all of the following requirements to be considered for membership:


a.  sponsored by two Active members

b.  completed application form

c.  two letters of recommendation

d.  attend three full Club functions, two of which must be General Membership meetings.

e.  Upon completion of these steps, the Board shall review and then post the name of the applicant in the Island Poppy for 30 days. During this time, any member can comment on the applicant and forward their comments to the 2nd VP. At the conclusion of the 30-day period, the Board shall vote on the application of the prospective member.

f.  Upon approval by the Board, the sponsors of the applicant will be notified that the applicant has been approved and the name of the applicant will be placed on a waiting list for admission.

g.  When a membership becomes available, the prospective member will be admitted to the Club.

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