President's Message
January 2025

NIGC History
The fertile soil and gentle climate of the South were perhaps the reason the first garden club in America was founded there. The Ladies Garden Club of America was formed in 1891 in Athens, GA. Garden clubs quickly expanded throughout the South and then across our nation. The National Garden Club, of which we are members, was established in 1929. These clubs were not just concerned with teas and genteel Flower Shows or improvement of members’ private gardens. Many clubs were the earliest advocates of civic beautification, planting of street trees, maintenance of parks, and campaigns against blight especially billboards. Restoration and maintenance of nearby historic gardens was also a priority of many clubs.

14 Years as a "Blue Ribbon" Club
One that participates in and fulfills the objectives of the CIGCI and National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC), and demonstrates a well rounded program with many diverse activities and projects - all for the good of the community.
President -Linda Frame
1st Vice President - Esther Duran
2nd Vice-President - Maureen Schultz
Treasurer - Beverly Butters Lane
Corresponding Secretary - Lynne Clarke
Recording Secretary - Kristen Fisher
Past President - Deborah Smith