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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our biennial NIGC Board election was held on-line this year. Two items requiring separate votes were (1) to elect the new slate of officers for 2020-2022 and (2) to ratify the actions of our Board for 2019-2020. Sixty seven of our eighty nine active members responded with a unanimous yes vote for each item on the ballot. A special thanks and appreciation to all who participated. Nothing can stop our NIGC from moving forward! Congratulations to our new officers!


Lucky Ducky was fortunate enough to have been born and raised in Naples and has lived all but two years in the same place she now calls home. She worked for a shipping company at the Port of LA for eighteen years and there met and married husband Bill. For the last twenty-three years she has worked as a property manager. Ducky has one daughter, Michelle, an attorney, who lives with her family in Santa Monica. Ducky joined the NIGC in 1990 and served as Co-Chair of the Flower Show with Nancy Tinsley for many years. She loves gardening, photography, painting, reading, and time with her family. A little-known fact about Ducky is that she spent her senior year living on Catalina Island and graduated from Avalon High School.


Deborah was born in Boyertown, Pennsylvania and moved to Southern California in 1990 on a job transfer as a broker/manager with Charles Schwab. She met her husband to be, Bill, through mutual friends. After retiring from investments, she became a Realtor in the South Bay where she and Bill lived. They moved to Long Beach in 2015 and she joined the NIGC in 2018. Deborah loves the Garden Club, traveling and playing cards and dominos with friends. She serves on the Board of Directors for Footlighters at Musical Theater West. Ask her about the weeks she spent in Northern British Columbia, in -40- degree weather, exploring the idea of homesteading many years ago! They had to take a dogsled to get to the nearest town!


Born at St. Francis Hospital in Lynwood and raised in Seal Beach, Dawn majored in Anthropology at USCB and UC Santa Cruz. Dawn’s career was in accounting and inventory management, lucky for us. She has a daughter married to a US Nave Seebee whose family has lived all over the world. Dawn is a skilled gardener who sows seeds and uses cuttings to propagate plants. Joining the Garden Club in 2016, she has been a Naples School gardener for 4 years, she Chaired Arbor Day, worked on the Awards section of the Flower Show, and volunteered at the Plant Boutique.

I asked her “what don’t we know about you” and she replied, “ I own a Mini - Cooper but I really like to ride fast motorcycles and sports cars, preferably convertibles, singing classic rock songs as I do”.


Born and raised in Pasadena, Pam attended Redlands University where she met Don, her husband. With both Undergraduate and Masters degrees in Speech Pathology, she worked as a therapist in preschool through high school in Hemet where they raised their two now adult, children. They bought their house on The Colonnade in 2014 and did an extensive remodel. Pam loves travel, gardening ( her garden is charming), cooking, seasonal decorating, and “some form of exercise ”. She joined the Garden Club five years ago. She is a Bella gardener, Co-Chaired the Fall Fundraiser for three years, and as Member Activities Chair, Chaired the Travel Committee and helped with Excursions. Not many members know that Pam has “trodden the boards” since she was a child. Her first role was Snow White. She also played the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz, and sang a tricky solo, “Pick a Little” in Music Man.


Ann is a mid-western girl who grew up outside Chicago in Wilmette, Illinois. She and her four children moved to Southern California in 1976 where she married Dr. Leo Devlin. Together they raised a blended family five children. He passed away in 2004. She moved to Naples in 2013 when she married her husband Ross. Ann joined NIGC in 2016. She is an artist who enjoys painting, gardening, golf, reading, bridge, and spending time with her grandchildren . She is Co-Chair of our Flower Show and stepped up as a new member to fill an empty spot on our Board of Directors in 2 0 1 8. Ann spent many years as a family crisis counselor in Orange Co. and was implemental in helping her brother start Sierra Tucson's family program. A little – known fact about her is that she ran a successful clothing boutique with her sister, Pat, in Wilmette, Illinois from 1974 to 1977.


Lynne was raised in Long Island, NY, attending the Latin American Institute as a French and Spanish major to pursue her interest in foreign languages. She has two children and loves to travel and polish her language skills . She is active in East Long Beach Neighborhood Watch (walking in alleys with Katie Row) and is a savvy participant in local issues of all types. Lynne joined the garden club in 2012 and was Plant Boutique Chair for two years, worked as a Bella and at the Naples Plaza median, staffed the NIGC Christmas Luncheon and served two years as Second V-P, Membership. A little- known fact is that she and her sister married brothers, her sister met Tom’s brother through Lynne. To straighten me out, she explained, “My sister is also my sister-in-law”.

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NIGC P.O. Box 14688 Long Beach, CA 90803


Esther Watkins, Webmaster

Linda Frame, President


Maureen Schultz, Membership Chair


© 2018 by Naples Islands Garden Club 

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