Naples Elementary Gardening Event
On Thursday, November 18th, the Red Apron Ladies met at Naples Elementary to enjoy a fall day of gardening. Trish S. allowed the...

Veterans Day celebration - 2021
Once again, on a bright, sunny morning, the Naples Islands Garden Club hosted their annual Veterans Day celebration at LaBella Fontana on...

Rose Cutting at Naples Plaza - November 2021
On Wednesday, November 3rd, on a foggy morning, 7 ladies gathered to trim the roses at Naples Plaza. Those helping were Lynn Clark, Betty...

NIGC 2021 Fall Fundraiser
The Naples Islands Garden Club enjoyed a festive week of shopping at Romance Etc. From November 1st through the 7th members and friends...

Our special guest speaker at November’s General Meeting was Third District City Councilwoman and friend of NIGC, Suzie Price. Some items...

Beautification - Naples Elementary
Raised planting beds by the cafeteria were cleaned out so the 5th Grade Leadership Team could do their Fall Planting. Club gardeners also...

Shinoda Excursion 2021
60 NIGC members and guests were treated to a class in Holiday Decorating led by Darryl Poper at Shinoda Design Center, Santa Ana. After a...