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Our special guest speaker at November’s General Meeting was Third District City Councilwoman and

friend of NIGC, Suzie Price. Some items discussed were the Redistricting process, Bayshore Library

Refresh project, and Second Street Parklets. As Chair of City of Long Beach Port, Transportation, and

Infrastructure Committee, Suzie said planning is underway to utilize any infrastructure monies coming

from the federal infrastructure bill. She explained that the paving of Studebaker Road is on top of her

list, and that additional funds are needed. Suzie fielded several Members’ questions and concerns such

as vehicles and bicycles ignoring stop signs, and poor behavior of Duffy boat renters.

We thanked Suzie Price and her assistant, Gabriela Yates Joy for their continued support of Naples

Islands Garden Club, and for their presence at our signature Veterans Day event and other activities

each year. Thank you to all Members who attended the November Meeting and to those who submitted

questions for Suzie.

Submitted By: Deborah Smith, 1 st VP, Programs


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