Veterans Day - 2022
The Naples Islands Garden Club once again invited neighbors and veterans to La Bella Fontana Park on Veterans Day, which turned out to be a beautiful, sunny morning. President Deborah Smith welcomed everyone gathered, and a floral wreath was placed at the flagpole. Boy Scout Troop 105 was on hand to present the colors and our 3rd District Councilperson, Suzie Price, delivered a talk that challenged us all to do whatever we can to serve our community and thanked the veterans for their service and sacrifice to keep us all safe.
Then the microphone was passed to the veterans present by Co-Chairs Linda Pillsbury and Lynne Clarke giving them each a chance to state their name, branch of service, places and years of deployment. The celebration ended with everyone joining Marilyn Bittle in “God Bless America.”
Submitted by : Lynne Clarke