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Our November speaker was given an Honorary Membership to the Naples Islands Garden Club! Suzie Price, 3rd District Councilperson, is always a very informative guest speaker regarding our City and NIGC supporter.

Some of the topics covered included parking as an issue on our island. Red curbs are being looked at to be shortened and street sweepers having a phone app to show when they passed making the street immediately available for parking are being considered. A new large shelter will open in 2020 with 129 beds to deal with homelessness. Assistance will be provided for substance and mental health counseling. The shelter will accept families and pets which many don't allow at the moment. The strategy for the new shopping center at 2nd and PCH is to open a new store each week. Short term rentals have the community concerned with noise and party activities. This will be an upcoming discussion at the City Council for a “Neighbors Opt Out” petition supported by Suzie. In the future, the area of 2nd and Studebaker will be developed with light industrial and the Colorado Lagoon will be opened up to Marine Stadium allowing tidal flow into this area.

Following Suzie's talk, gave a short presentation Linda Rahn on CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), Naples Division. Information pamphlets were passed out explaining how the Naples-wide plan works and Linda polled our members as to their level of interest. The categories are Community Responder, Block Captain, or Committee Member. The CERT team is looking for areas of expertise/interest to help out in case of disaster. You can contact John Angelo at 513-289-8300.

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NIGC P.O. Box 14688 Long Beach, CA 90803


Esther Watkins, Webmaster

Linda Frame, President


Maureen Schultz, Membership Chair


© 2018 by Naples Islands Garden Club 

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